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Youth programs

We are starting a new program for the youth in the community. We are partnering with college students to teach children from the community about nutrition education and how important it is to maintain a natural diet for a healthy life. 

Activities for children

We will have activities during the summer for children to learn about gardening, nutrition and meaningful opportunities to be part of community building efforts. 

On-the-go Nutrition Learning

Quick education on nutrition topics to children who visit during the biweekly farm stands with their parents and those unable to participate in longer nutrition programs. 

Nutrition Education for Children 

Children are the seeds of the future and need to be equipped with the right nutrition knowledge to make informed decisions related to health. In order to empower children, we are rolling out two nutrition education programs this summer: Green Acre Community Garden (GACG) Kids’ Club and On-the-go Nutrition Learning. 

GACG Kids’ Club

Our GACG Kids’ Club is a six-week summer program that aims to provide a green, safe space for children and adolescents to access fresh foods, connect with nature and art, build community, and to overall raise awareness for health and wellness in the Paterson community.

This innovation will be happening every other Saturday, starting on June 12th from 1 pm-2 pm. Each Saturday class will focus on a different vegetable or fruit from the farm. Our participants will get the opportunity to plant seeds and get a behind-the-scenes preview of how food is grown. Caring for plants together and waiting for them to grow also teaches kids about cooperation, responsibility, and patience!

In addition, our participants will be drawing the vegetable or fruit of the week, with the last class designated to our program participants painting wooden signs of their favorite fruits and vegetables to be hung around the farm for all to see! There will also be snacks provided that reflect the weekly fruit or vegetable, so our youth can fully get a taste of the deliciousness of locally and organically grown food.

Research shows that children and adolescents who participate in garden programs are more engaged in what they’re learning and eat more fruits and vegetables than their non-gardening peers! Let’s get gardening, youth of Paterson!